Are you someone who gets really annoyed at those people who always seem to know how many days it is until a certain event. (Hi John, did you know its only 278 more days to my birthday? Better make sure you buy me a present!). Well, if you cant beat them, join them.
Days To Go is a simple reminder program that can be used for a variety of purposes. As the name suggests, it can be used to count how many days it is until a specific date. In addition, Days To Go can be used count how many days it has been since a specific date. Recurring dates can be entered (for example, Christmas or a birthday), and entries can be automatically deleted once the date has passed (useful for once off occasions).
When you enter the date you also enter three messages (to be shown before the date, on the date and after the date). The day count is shown on the screen with the appropriate message every time you start or restart your computer.